EMICS Extranet

We have recently invested a great deal of time and effort into the development of the EMICS Extranet. We identified a need to improve communication and governance in our system and with the expertise of Peak Net we have produced a platform that covers all of our needs.

Here are some of the features of the EMICS Extranet:

  • All incidents attended logged. Each volunteer doctor has their own profile which they use to log any incident they are tasked to. They document their tasking time, arrival time and left scene time, an overview of the nature of the incident, appropriate photographs and data, drugs administered and patient destination. This provides a robust governance structure to document clinical information, audit and use for training needs. 
  • News updates. The Extranet system allows a secure way for all team members to be updated with important news issues and has an ‘acknowledged’ facility for elements that need a response. 
  • Drug and equipment orders. EMICS provides each volunteer doctor with all the drugs and equipment they need to respond safely. This has a huge amount of audit necessity attached to it, with equipment needing servicing, drug stock levels and rotation  and replacement equipment when needed. The Extranet platform allows all this to be done remotely, either by central notification, for example of upcoming service dates or by doctor notification for example ordering replacement drug stock. 


These are just a few examples of the new system we have implemented. Our ongoing relationship with Peak Net, as one of our corporate partners, means that we can adapt the platform in the future as our needs develop. 

EMICS | East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme