Get Involved

Volunteer Doctor

EMICS recruits doctors as volunteer responders from within the East Midlands Ambulance Service area. In order to work towards volunteering as an EMICS doctor you would need to: 

Live or work within the EMAS region

Have attended a pre-hospital specific training course (eg BASICS PHECC, PHTLS)

Ideally have some pre-hospital experience

Generally have five years post-registration experience

Doctors who become active responders for us must commit to: 

At least three years responding in the EMAS region

Take part in the EMICS and EMAS governance process as required

Follow EMICS and relevant EMAS policies and procedure

Volunteer Paramedics

EMICS recruits paramedics as volunteer responders from within the East Midlands Ambulance Service area. In order to work towards volunteering as an EMICS paramedic, you would need to:

  • Live or work within the EMAS region
  • Have attended a pre-hospital specific training course (e.g. BASICS PHECC, PHTLS)
  • Ideally have some pre-hospital emergency experience
  • 5 years post-graduation experience

Paramedics who become active responders for us must commit to:

  • At least three years of responding in the EMAS region
  • Taking part in the EMICS and EMAS governance process as required
  • Following EMICS and relevant EMAS policies and procedures

Volunteer Support Team Member

As with any successful charity, EMICS can only operate with a team of volunteers. We need people in a range of support roles to ensure that our clinicians have the freedom to respond to emergencies, with the right equipment and other resources they need to treat patients.

We need people with a varying range of skills including:

  • Marketing, Social Media and Income Generation
  • Fundraising and Event Management
  • Administration and Procurement
  • Finance, Payroll/HR and Asset Management
  • Clinical Compliance and Data Protection
  • Drugs and Pharmacy

What matters is the time and commitment, even a couple of hours a week or at the weekends. If you have only limited availability to help we would be interested in talking to you. You will be surprised what a difference you can make to our ability to treat patients.

If you want to get involved, just get in touch to investigate how you can help.


Throughout our history, many generous people, their friends and families have supported EMICS by setting up fundraising events or by taking part in mass fundraising events like marathons, funruns, by seeking sponsorship to undertake personal challenges and the like. We are extremely grateful for all the time and effort that everyone has put in over the years.

If you are considering undertaking any fundraising on our behalf, we can assure you that your efforts will have a beneficial impact on our ability to respond, save lives and prevent life changing injuries.

We will be happy to help with your fundraising in whatever way we can. Please let us know what you are planning.

Easyfundraising allows you to support your favorite charity by shopping online at over 4,000 retailers. The website donates a percentage of your purchase to your chosen charity, making it a great way to show your support without spending extra money. You can also raise money for your charity by using the easyfundraising app, playing games, and completing surveys. It’s free and easy to make a difference and support the causes you care about.

The Clubs and Special Interest Groups

Throughout our history, many generous people, their friends, and families have supported EMICS by setting up fundraising events or by taking part in mass fundraising events like marathons, funruns, by seeking sponsorship to untaken personal challenges and the like We are extremely grateful for all the time and effort that everyone has put in over the years.

If you are considering undertaking any fundraising on our behalf, we can assure you that your efforts will have a beneficial impact on our ability to respond, save lives and prevent life changing injuries.

We will be happy to help with your fundraising in whatever way we can. Please let us know what you are planning.

Request a Talk

Talks given by our team of amazing Doctors and other volunteers have not only raised funds but also awareness of our life saving work across the East Midlands. Many people have been fascinated to hear in more detail about what we do, how we operate, support and run our Charity. They are interested how we support the East Midlands Ambulance Service and how we work with them to provide the patients with the care they need in an emergency. It almost goes without saying that the audiences for these talks are surprised by the content and can’t believe they have not heard of us before.

If you would like to book a talk or just get in touch to investigate the possibilities, please complete the form and we will be in touch.

EMICS | East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme